Monday, June 4, 2012

Armchair BEA Introductions


Hello everyone it is time for Armchair BEA again! This is my third year participating and it is one of my favorite events of the year. Traditionally we do blogger interviews but this year we pick 5 questions and interview ourselves. So below is the five I picked. I hope this will allow you to get to know me better.

Please tell us a little bit about yourself: Who are you? How long have you been blogging? Why did you get into blogging?

I am going to school to get my MLIS. I live in NE Ohio. This August will make two years that I have been book blogging. I started blogging because no one I know in real life likes to read or talk about books as much as me. I commented on some blogs and liked the idea of community so I decided to start my own blog.


What are you currently reading, or what is your favorite book you have read so far in 2012?

My favorite read so far is a tie between Fault in Our Stars and Daughter of Smoke and Bone. Both books left me speechless after the last page. Not many books so that but these two did. After turning the last page of Daughter of Smoke and Bones I was like noooooooooo you cant make me wait a year to find out what happens next! That is one book I know I will pre order.


Tell us one non-book-related thing that everyone reading your blog may not know about you.

That I am profoundly Deaf. I read about all these great audiobook narrators and it gets me a little sad that I cant hear them but other than that it does not bother me.

What is your favorite part about the book blogging community? Is there anything that you would like to see change in the coming years?

The community and finding about books that I would have never heard of other wise. For example if I had not read rave reviews on Fault in Our Stars and Daughter of Smoke and Bones I would have never picked them up. That makes me sad.


Have your reading tastes changed since you started blogging? How?

Before I would have never touched Young Adult books but now I love them. At first I was like what can Young Adult have to do with ME? I started reading them and I wish that that kind of writing was available for me when I was a teenager. Even now I can find some of the issues and themes that still apply to me. Todays Young Adult population is very lucky in that they have such an abundance of books to choose from that tackle real life issues in such a critical and entertaining way.

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