Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Review: Indefensible

This book was sent to me by the publisher for review.indefensiable

This book is a Legal Thriller. I used to read these all the time when I was younger, and if there is one thing I like about them is that they are very plot driven. A blessing when you have hit a reading slump and need the plot to move along to keep your attention.

A women is killed and her ex-husband is the prime suspect. There are a lot of stories with this theme but this book manages to have a slightly  different take on it. For the first part of the book I was sure I knew who the killer was but then there is a nice plot twist thrown in that keeps the book interesting.

This is the second book in a series. I haven't read the first book “ Damaged”. While this book can be read as a stand a long there are references to earlier happenings which make the reader curious as to what exactly went on in the first book. The characters also have a history in the first book that may help the reader make sense of the relationships that are in the second book. For example in “Indefensible” we see two characters not liking each other and the description of why refers back to the second book.

The characters were well fleshed out. Everything that happened was believable.The author made you care what happened. The book was good at invoking emotion and pulling you into the story. Since the book was heavily plot driven there was not a lot of background and explaining how the characters would feel. That was accomplished through the characters actions.

Over all I liked this story. At times I wished I had read the first book first but that may just be my extreme need for order speaking. I did feel like I was missing some information however by not reading the first book. I would recommend reading “Damaged” then “Indefensible

Sunday, March 6, 2011

The Sunday Salon


February has been a slow month for me. Both reading and blog wise. I spent much of the month with writers block and in a  reading slump. Since I don’t have very many hobbies outside of reading and writing this created some problems.

While in this slump friends tried to help me with advice. They ranged from just getting out of the house more and having an adventure that would spur my brain to start working again. For a while it seemed as though nothing helped. However I did find going on walks to getting out of the house and mixing my routine did help.

Another big part is that it seemed that this never ending winter seems to be kicking my but in a major way. I find myself craving sunlight and wanting to go outside to read and type but with snow accumulating in ever more inches this was not a possibility. Maybe it wasn’t true writers block after all but rather my SADD depression getting the best of me.

With hints of spring and the promise of depression lifting UV rays it seems I am slowly getting my reading and writing mojo back.

Today I am reading Indefensible. It is a review copy. It is also a fast paced thriller whitch is good because I am still iffy on my reading mojo so a book that is plot driven keeps me reading.

I hope everyone has a great Sunday!!

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