In this blog it may seem that I am one-dimensional but I swear I am not. At least I hope not. I wanted to keep this strictly for reviews so I created a tumblr account for everything else. You can see it by clicking here. If you have a tumblr account feel free to add me or to just check out what else I am up to.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Seven Spiritual Laws of Success
I have a confession to make. I have a secret addiction to self-help books. I am not sure why. Its not like half the books tell me anything new. Like for example; The seven Spiritual Laws Of Success did not say anything that was not also in '”The Secret”.
But I have heard friends tell me Chopra is the best. I had to see for myself. Of its own accord the book to me is just ok. Like I said there was nothing new in there.I have heard people say that it really works but I have not undergone any testing to see. I mean how would you know if it works or not?
It was a quick read. Enjoyable by it’s own merits but not a great work of art or anything like that. On second thought I guess it’s not meant to be.
The basic Idea is to give you seven laws and if you follow them then you can achieve anything you want.
I would be interested to hear other peoples thoughts on this book. Maybe I am in the minority.
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Super Sad True Love Story
Super Sad Love Story is a dystopian novel set about 50 years into the future. People get nanotechnology to prevent them from getting old and dying. I thought this bit was a good play on Americans fear of getting old. I mean think about it. We eat a certain way to avoid looking old, we buy special creams at ridiculous prices to reduce signs of aging and a host of other stuff. This play in the book only illustrates the heights that people will go to to avoid becoming or looking old.
In the book there is also a war in Venezuela that can be read to mean the current war in Afaganstain. The war is becoming increasingly more expensive to pay for and the soldiers don't always get paid. The not getting paid part is also an excellent way of foreshadowing what might happen. I am not saying that he has a political axe to grind but it is a brilliant artistic way to show what fiscal responsibility and wayward cost of war can do.
The most brilliant part or should I say disheartening is the way he portrays America at the edge of fiscal collapse and the world that ensues. People carry these things that sound like a Smartphone but buy the descriptions in the book are more..smartphoney. People can stream their lives and get ratings in everything from Fuckablity to hotness. Which is not so far fetched idea. We are getting close to that now with face book and such.
The author dose a fantastic job of world building. He constructs things is such a way that it is not to hard to imagine this is what America could look like in the near future. He had the uncanny ability to even make the financial collapse in the book look like it may happen in the next 50 years.
Then there is the love story.
As love stories go this one is not that bad. It just so predictable. When he introduced to characters in the book i could tell what was going to happen. I don't profess to ne an expert on love stories but when you built the rest of the book up brilliantly at least have a little more substance to the love story or rather love triangle that ensues.
The ending was also a bit of a let down after the rest of the book.
It all ended in a predictable way. I felt that with the build up of the rest of the book it could went out with a bang. It didn't
Overall this was a book I LOVED. it had it’s short comings but I think all books do.

Sunday, November 28, 2010
Sunday Salon
I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving! Mine was good. I came to visit family in Kentucky. Since they are Sarah Palin endorsers and I am a bleeding heart Liberal I took some Klopopion and instead of my blood boiling when politics and the supposed North Korea “attacks” I found it all kind of amusing.
I signed up for the Thankfully Reading challenge on beth fish reads. I finished reading Super Sad True Love Story and Am now reading Buddha by Chopra. Buddha is taking me longer to read it because I have to stop and digest what it is really teaching.
This week will be spent getting Library books read so I can take out my next big batch!