Sunday, May 8, 2011

Sunday Salon


Happy Mothers day to all the Mothers out there!

First  a couple of good news. I had been having issues with concentrating for a long time now. I was lucky if I could get through two books a week. The Dr finally decided to try Strattera with me and I am glad to say it worked!  I can now concentrate for hours at a time. I even read 5 books last week! I am hoping even my blogging habits will improve now that I can focus on something for more than 30 minutes at a time. So look for more frequent blog posts and more comments from me.

Second I finally got what I like to call a reading and a blogging chair. It was an early birthday present from my family. It is really a recliner chair and I love it now I can read and blog in super comfort.

Right now I am reading  A Sport and a Pastime. It was published in the 60’s but it still a good book. I am loving it so far. I am attempting to read more classics.

Coming up for review:

Swallows in Kabul

The Weird Sisters

Cub Dead book 4 in Sookie Stack house seris

A Sport and a Pastime

Let the Great world Spin

That’s is all for now!! Have a Happy Sunday reading!

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